The world is changing around us, Lockdowns are coming to an end in most countries, but the relationship between office and home; retail, hospitality and delivery; brands and consumers has moved on. Hopefully for the better- more human, more transparent. Quite frankly, our old site was looking a bit “Pre-Covid” and corporate. Like every business,… Continue reading New Site coming soon
News and Views
Arresting, Relevant, Topical – The ART of great advertising
This month in 2015 …from the archives. Timed to coincide with international women’s day, this quick-witted advertising has delivered its powerful message way beyond its original media budget, and is a credit to its marketing team. It’s no surprise that this new advertisement for Salvation Army in South Africa has attracted media coverage across the… Continue reading Arresting, Relevant, Topical – The ART of great advertising
Whose baby is it anyway?
Small business owners and founders put real passion into developing new and exciting Brands. They have an ownership which comes from being present not only at the launch of a brand and execution of a strategy, but at its very conception. “It’s our baby” As marketers, it is very easy for us to assume that… Continue reading Whose baby is it anyway?